Thursday, 13 October 2011

Todays Intentions take a turn

I start today with a wonderful view of the full moon though my bedroom window. Bliss and Joy! I take lots of photos. I Hike. I meditate, I pray. Breakfast. Upload photos. Loose photos. Feel stumped. I also loose neighbors dog on my hike. I saw 'The Fox.'The mysterious neighbor who only comes out at night, and also at dawn it seems. I saw the mysterious light again. Email from Jurgen. Feel he will be my next mentor. Feel he is my mentor already.

So let's make an intention for the next hour:

Work/play on intro, and make decisions how Hana will meet the shaman. This will be the inciting incident.

Goal for today.

Decide on the inciting incident.

Two hours later.

Right. As so often happens, the Universe has a different goal!

I got sidetracked by looking at and reading parts of Freidl Dicker Brandeis extraordianry life. Freidl, when she was summoned to a concentration camp, packed her suitcase full of art materials so that she could teach the children to paint, and give them a means of expressing themselves.

I seem to be searching for a title for the film. This feels very important. Everything feels like it needs to hang from this. I scour the pages of Freidl's book.


In renaming Anabel Hana, I've been reminded of one of my guardians Hannah Margaret Stewart.
Hana in the film needs a friend, good or bad, and in remembering Hannah Margaret, I have the motive for Hana's most evil of act's: the collusion in the abduction of her granddaughter Samira.


This is what Hannah Margaret gave me in large dollops every day of my childhood. Non acceptance. Hana's daughter will prefer Hildegarde,( will have to rename her), Hana's kind loving religious Bolivian housekeeper who has always adored Shifra unconditionally. Hana is incapable of showing love to her daughter after her holocaust experiences as a child. She is emotionally paralyzed.


Through her graphic sketchbooks and paintings elderly wealthy lonely widowed French Holocaust survivor artist Hana battles with inner demons in a last attempt to find atonement for her part in the abduction of her granddaughter eighteen years previously. After the death of her beloved companion Hildegard,though an unlikely chance meeting with a Bolivian shaman, Hana finds her gifted singer granddaughter Samira in the slums of Paris and embarks on an intrepid healing journey to Bolivia (with Samira) to find her estranged daughter Shifra, who they discover teaching circus skills and painting to slum kids in La Paz.

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