Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Shrouded in mystery ?

Could Hana's identity be a mystery? Could she be plagued and damaged by a longing to know her own story? Is this why she couldn't be a real mother to Shifra? She didn't know how to mother?

Below is a true story I found on the Internet. It has echoes of my own story in some ways.

'This is me, Emi Nadia. I live my life as a Jew, but actually my origin is shrouded in mystery.
By sharing the photos in my possession and telling you what I know about my past, I hope I will be able to find who my biological parents were and what happened to them and to my extended family in the first years after World War Two in East Berlin, East Germany.
It even looks like I had an older brother!
Here is my story:
I came to the States in 1951 with my parents Nikita and Lidia Baschinsky and my baby brother Jura from Hannover, Germany. Our family was Russian Orthodox.

This family photo was taken in the States in 1951, shortly after our arrival. My father was then 60 years old, my mother 34 years old, and my baby brother less than a year old. I was probably six or six and a half years old.'

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